Moving in checklist

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everything you need to get started

As we get ready to handover the keys to your gorgeous new home, now is a great time to get a head-start on organising some important things in the lead up to your move.

Home & contents insurance:

It’s very important to have both home and contents insurance arranged before you receive your keys. This will cover both the home and your valuables in the event of loss or damage through an insured event such as fire, theft or storm. Research and compare insurance companies based on the value of your property and contents.

NBN connections:

The NBN™ network is an upgrade to Australia’s existing phone and internet infrastructure. Your local retail service provider (RSP) will have differing costs and speeds depending on your location and their plans. Check your address via this link for a list of RSP in your area.

Opticomm connections:

To connect Opticomm, please visit this link or call 1300 137 800 to arrange your connection, prior to selecting your chosen provider.


Visit your council website, and lodge a ‘request’ for your new home bins. Once an occupancy permit has been issued, bins should be delivered within a week (depending on your council).

Gas & Electricity:

Your Gas & electricity is already connected with Energy Australia. Once you get your keys, contact Energy Australia to either maintain your connection and update your details OR cancel, and reconnect with another provider.

Letterbox & Antenna:

If these items are not selected as part of your contract, you need to arrange prior to getting your keys. If unsure, please let me know and I can confirm for you.

Update your address / set up redirect:

If you receive paper mail, bills, packages etc ensure you notify the business of your updated address or organise a redirect.